Monday, March 17, 2008

Pink tutu

God, I succumbed. I couldn't help it. It was too tempting. I talked to my Mom in a time zone 3 hours ahead, and she said I MUST watch the professional dancers at the beginning of the show. I knew if I sat through that there was a chance I'd be hooked - this show is like heroin. Haven't seen the ladies yet but the Miami Dolphin dude is HHHHot! tsssss! - even in a pink tutu. We'll see, I might have to renege on my earlier claims.

1 comment:

nitty said...

Sucked in. It was pretty good last night. Too long as usual, but surprising how good some of the guys danced. The judges were a little harsh. I'm hoping Priscilla lasts a few shows. She's hot.