Tuesday, April 1, 2008

TSA (twits, sycophants, a-holes)

Actually, TSA is an acronym for Transportation Security Administration. As air travel has become increasingly impossible since the advent of this agency some of the anecdotes are priceless. The latest is the woman with inconspicuous body piercings. She cleared the metal detector OK but for some reason she was subjected to a wand sweep. When passing over her chest the alarm sounded. She informed the agent that she had nipple piercings and she would be happy to show them to her in private. The female agent refused calling over a male colleague who demanded she remove the rings before she could clear security and board her flight. Humiliated, she filed a formal complaint. Enter Gloria Allred, obnoxious defender of women's (primarily) civil rights and media hog, who said, "the last time that I checked a nipple was not a dangerous weapon." While that is a matter of opinion, the rule of law prevails and the TSA has both apologized and changed their policies to accommodate wearers of body jewelry all the while maintaining the goal of keeping the skies safe and friendly for all.


nitty said...

Contrarian's viewpoint -

Take off ALL your "jewelry" before going through airport security. The rest of us are prepared and shouldn't be held up by somebody that can't be. She deserved what she got.

Other than that, I agree with your post.

: )

Dawn Cameron said...

This story is funny on its own but that she wasn't humiliated enough by a few TSA agents that she had to call national attention to herself and share with us all that she has her nips drilled is hysterical.

Jerry said...

Gloria Allred is the media bitch here. If there is a camera on you can bet she is crying about some womens issue in front of it. I had to laugh when she had a news conference and had a manikin on the desk with a bra on it and attached to the bra where the nipples would be were the nipple rings she supposedly had on. They then began to show how difficult it would be to take them off with a pair of pliers. Truly laughable! If she can take them off for the news conference why can not she take them off for the dam flight? Allred really does women no good!