Thursday, February 14, 2008

Late Bloomer

I've started thinking about going to Grad school. I'm in the preliminary stages of researching schools and gathering information about entrance exams and admissions. The process takes considerable time and with a trip to Africa in the midst I need to get started now to begin the Fall session 2009. I want to be working in Public Policy and realize that in most instances a Master's degree is required - not to mention compensation is commensurate with qualifications. I've got my sights set on Berkeley but it is extremely competitive so 2nd and 3rd choices (maybe more) are a must. I prefer to stay on the west coast but my interest in International Policy will dictate where I apply. Wish me luck.


nitty said...

Good Luck, but only for Southern California Schools.


Jerry said...

Good for you... I hope you get to go where you want.
I can not offer you any help here. Wish I could. Good luck.
Picking bone:
You made me look up and learn another word. Now I cant remember how to balance my check book. Dam you!....
Quote.."not to mention compensation is commensurate with qualifications."
Now couldn't we have used the word "equal" there.
Just kidding... Love your rant!
Keep it up.

Dana said...

You will go to Berkeley. You will go to Berkeley. You will go to Berkeley. You will go to Berkeley. You will go to Berkeley. You will go to Berkeley.

There just nothing else acceptable.


Richard Conn said...

I know you will do it! See ya at graduation!