Monday, February 11, 2008

Please heart r earth

In just one year analog television will go the way of the dinosaur. This means that all those sets will be useless and more than likely improperly disposed of. I bid you to speak out and demand that tv manufacturers (and other electronics for that matter) act responsibly and set up programs to take back your tv for proper recycling. I've seen exposes on PBS whereby children in developing countries gut electronics for the copper wiring inside, which can be sold for a few cents, and then the waste is incinerated or dumped in a landfill to fester toxic waste. You can make a conscious choice to thwart these practices and ensure your voice is heard by checking

This has been a public service announcement. White noise to follow...

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Thanks for putting this up.
More people need to be aware of where our things end up after we set them on the curb.