I've decided it's time to chronicle my life. Not very interactive but it's a good way to keep up with me and get in on what I'm thinking about. What better place to bloviate than a blog? Granted, my opinions really only matter to me but this is a "safe" and organized way to share my interests and keep my neurons firing. All opposing viewpoints and persuasive argumentation are welcome. Tune in often for riveting (maybe even titillating) blurbs from the burbs of LA.
The buzz word of the year so far is change so I figure on this super-duper-tsunami-election Tuesday I will launch my hopes for change as well. I'm reminded of a graffiti wall I saw in Dublin, IRE a couple of years ago that really struck a chord - a homeless guy pictured with a sign that said "keep your coins I want change". I differ from that guy in that I want both coins AND change. Greedy I guess. The two are often dichotomous if incongruent but I think we can strike a suitable balance.
Go in peace and prosper.
How cool is this Dawnie Ree? My word for 2008 is "change" but it has nothing to do with election. Rod and I have decided to "change" and not help our adult children to rely on us so much. Our "change" is not lending any change to the kids and helping them realize as adults they must make it on their own. We've been enabling them for years so this "change" is quite difficult but so far so good. We're going to "change" our residence in September/October and "change" all the STUFF we have. We're going to give away unneeded/unwanted STUFF and keep only what matters to us. We feel the need to downsize. Rambling, Rants and Raves - that's from your ole (??) Aunt Sylvia or is it Sols Love you bunches, thanks for leading me to your "blog" page. It's great, I'll add as a fav and check regularly so you better get chronicaling. xox
Awesome sight Dawn. Love the name and love the content. Digging the wine pairing shout out too! Got you bookmarked on the bar.
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