Only a 25 minute drive from town, Bachelor boasts a 9000 + feet summit. My sister-in-law said the Bend area has had the mildest of the five winters they've lived there but had been graced by storms up from the south for the week prior to our visit. When we arrived on Saturday morning, St. Valentine's Day, it was cold, gray and snowing. It continued to snow intermittently the whole weekend leaving a beautiful blanket on the mountain peaks. We had awesome 2500' runs of fresh powder not unbearably crowded for a holiday weekend. Fatigued with sore muscles (mostly from playing Wii baseball) I fell a few times on my last run of the day. Falling isn't such a big deal especially on marshmallow but getting back up again is brutal work. I'd just cringe each time I felt myself lose balance or get stuck in a heavy drift because I could foresee the difficulty trying to snap into skis on a slippery vertical wearing myself out trying to keep my footing. I realized I should just turn in my gear and go to the bar. The sun, hidden in dense wet clouds most of the day, sat over the summit like a halo as I sipped Irish coffee awaiting the rest of my crew to take their last run. I sat on the chalet terrace enjoying the contrast of warm rays on my face and crisp air in my lungs thinking how
This is a cool shot from the air of the back side of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park
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