Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Road to Ruin

I'm not at all surprised that the stock market is so volatile since "the bill" passed. Ten days beforehand the Bush administration, bolstered by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, told us that the sky would fall without congressional intervention so how can one expect that kind fear to just evaporate and confidence restored with the stroke of a pen? If congress (government) is behind something it should give us cause for pause. Call me a cynic. Government is not our friend. It is by design a machination created to subordinate its citizens and control the social order. But I digress. Back to the issue at hand. The self-proclaimed experts have modeled it and modeled it but what you can't model is emotion - a critical component to investing and the way money is viewed in general. This cartoon tells it to you straight in words you can understand (stay tuned through the commercial). It's the same understanding congress has.

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