Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Isn't it obvious?

This is too funny not to share. I listen to the greatest radio talk show host in LA, Doug McIntyre. He is so funny, smart and ALWAYS enlightened on the issues. He is obviously Irish and his ethnicity is fodor for many jokes and epithets during the show. Somebody, purporting to be Irish, wrote to the show with the following observation. I can't recall it verbatim but the gist is that the Irish in the homeland are confused about our confusion for President in the upcoming election. Firstly, a female lawyer wearing the pants is married to a lawyer who can't keep his pants on. Another lawyer not really from this country is married to another lawyer who seemingly doesn't like the country he's hoping to govern. And lastly, a war hero, N.B. a fellow Irishman with a good Mc in his name, is married to a weathly woman who owns a brewery. Where's the confusion?

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