Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The dark ages in the city of enlightenment

This bankrupt city o' mine never ceases... to amaze. I'm a voracious reader and I do A LOT of it. I get most of my books from the LA Public Library a) because I don't have enough space in my house to store them all and b) it can be awfully expensive adding everything I read to my collection. It used to be that you could borrow a book for 3 weeks renewing up to 3 times unless that title was on hold in the queue. Three weeks was short enough when you have other things going on in your life but now they've abbreviated check out to 2 weeks. When I inquired on this new policy I was informed that, " LA is in a budget crisis and we are not allowed to purchase new books, so as a result we have to increase circulation by reducing the check-out period." This city government is so atrociously inept robbing us blind taking with its booty our quality of life at every opportunity. LA's citizens are merely ATM machines to these pilferers. They've already managed to butcher 'ritin' and 'rithmitic' in our schools, why not parlay readin' out of our libraries? I guess I should be grateful they didn't ask me to pay for the book :]

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