Monday, May 19, 2008

Kermit was a pessimist

Thankfully you can't have a conversation, pick up a magazine or listen to the news very often anymore without some reference to sustainable living. I say "thankfully" because I think it is a really important conversation to have; not merely to jump on the band-wagon but to consider & discuss new ideas, to examine our footprint, and to understand our global connection to each other and our planet. I encourage you to go to this website and read through this amazing process to design and build an eco-friendly dwelling, which serves as a model for the surrounding community on a micro-level and the scientific community (and the world at large) in the aggregate. The Zero Carbon House Project, spearheaded by a man and his wife in the Shetland Islands, aims to produce and consume it's own wind-generated energy. They will grown their own food and produce electricity for their car - both will be made available to fellow islanders. While new technology is ever-evolving, with a little will it's easy being green (Kermit sang it's NOT easy being green - obscure reference I know). Building an entire green structure is still cost-prohibitive but we can certainly explore the possibilities one project at a time.

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