Thursday, April 16, 2009

[That] Girl's Gone Wild

I have beaucoup de choses to share with you. I have just been so busy doing that I haven't had time to write about it. I am not even half finished with Africa stories and then I want to tell you about The Redwood Bar & Grill, San Juan Capistrano, Beechwood, my new bathroom and Tokyo. Yes! I'm going to Tokyo, Japan - the impetus being that I am doing a little side work for my neighbor/friend who is working on launching a project stateside with the help of a Japanese firm so I am essentially a fly on the wall during the meeting/presentation he's giving next week. It's totally spontaneous, and serendipitous, in keeping with my new modus operandi which is to never pass up an opportunity. Besides, given the industry I'm in, which could go sideways at any moment, I need to be receptive. I can't wait to share with you.

1 comment:

Richard Conn said...

Wow, that's so exciting! Enjoy the sushi.