Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My dog has more sense

So I woke this am with hope in my heart that things took a drastic detour from the upsetting news last night that the mayor of Los Angeles was probably still the mayor - sadly, he is. But I don't think it was the landslide victory he was hoping for. He earned a paultry 55% meaning only 8% of the voting populous gave him the thumbs up which loosens the cog in his chances of becoming governor next year. Just when you think it couldn't get worse than Arnie "the governator" Shwartzenegger enter Tony V. That would really be a travesty. As it is I am baffled that he sneaked in however narrowly. There isn't anyone I know - conservative or liberal, white, black, brown, purple, rich or poor, who think he is doing a good job. The cronyism is rampant and troubling in this town but that's only part of the issue. If people don't care we're bound to get more of the same and we deserve every lousy, expensive thing they lay on us.

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