- 1 gorgeous fall day in LA - $0
- 2 cold beers - $12
- 3 slices of bagel crust pizza -$13
- a dozen rhythmic bongo drummers inciting gatherers to gyrate on the cool sand at sunset on Venice beach - priceless
When I'm not hating the icky people and unbearable traffic in LA, I love it. I know it's a big condradiction but such is LA. I love the spirited and soulful nature of people. I love that it
is acceptable to be your free and true self, no matter how offensive it is and nobody cares. And if they do they can fuck off. I love that no matter what ails us or the tribulations we face we can come together as a people - harmoniously, peacefully - and celebrate life, art, music, love. Do I sound like a hippy or what? And no, the bong didn't come around to me! Who cares, man. Live and let live.
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