Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Un-Tourist in Los Angeles - 50 Amazing Things to do in LA

People visit Los Angeles and tend to gravitate to the iconic and typical attractions like Disneyland and Hollywoodland. In my view this is a serious faux pas and dismisses, er overlooks, everything great about LA.

LA has so many wonderful hidden spots to explore if you just get off the beaten path. There is something for everyone and every budget. Debunked is the myth that LA is devoid of culture, which is abundant, but we have so much more to offer, especially for the outdoor enthusiast. Here I'll offer 5o things to do in and around the city promising to give you a uniquely LA perspective you can't find in the movies.

I'll post my nominees; one each day and not in any particular order. Rest assured they have all been tried and tested by yours truly, a discerning tourist even in my own city. 


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