Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Save Our State parks!

California is broke and experiencing a budget crisis. The governor has proposed to close some 220 of California's 271 state parks to help close the enormous deficit. This is one of the many inane recommendations on the table to inflict the least amount of pain on Californians during this difficult time. The way I see it is there are consequences to bad governance. And many of the proposals I support like State worker reductions and furloughs. The last thing we need is more lazy state employees sucking off the tit of it's citizenry. California is one of only 2 states in the Union where the legislature is in session full time. Too bad they didn't have work furlough days - like ALL of them. I digress.

One of the draws to California for visitors is our natural beauty and the many gorgeous, accessible and affordable state parks. Closing the parks impacts its surrounding communities in very real ways as often they are remote and far removed from other opportunities to earn a living. Family restaurants, gas stations, recreation shops, etc. could face potentially devastating losses. Besides, it would cost us almost as much to close the parks as it does to keep them open. Unruly brush still needs to be cleared of fire danger, lawns still need to be watered, and buildings maintained. The parks could become a haven for squatters and other riffraff if they are not patrolled.

I encourage you to take a hike. And while you're at it make a donation - any size will do - to keep our parks open. Many of our local parks in LA county are on the chopping block. I read the other day that the public response to the closures has amassed a 30% increase in sum revenue. Visit the California State Parks Foundation to learn how you can intervene to keep our incredible natural lands for all to enjoy. And visit your Ca parks!

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